Environmental News is published quarterly on Amazon. In November 2024 we start on the 7th issue. For two issues, a very nice man from Quintfall Forest sponsored the magazine, under the theme trees. March is the time we start thinking about planting trees.
Sadly the delightful Mr. MacKay of the Norseman Hotel did not win the Haggis Hunting competition. Hey there is always next year. We had three entries in all, including one from Spain. He does feature in the next Environmental News though.
Indicative contents are an update to the research done since the last issue in September 2024, when we talked about saving fuel. which you can purchase on line, as you can with the other issues.
For December we also have an article about being off grid, a quiz about cows, and we introduce the Dunnet Bay Campsite who have been most helpful over the year as well as the Pentland Hotel and Noss Head.
There is concern about the proliferation of windfarms in the Highlands. We work with the Highland Renewables Database and Communities for Power and are looking at other technologies. In 2004 and 2005, at Heriot Watt University, we discussed that there must be a mixed technology, but with windfarms already proving not to be reliable sources, in December 2024 launched our alternative technologies blog.
We have a portfolio of information from various organisations will be available for viewing at the Caithness and Sutherland Walking Festival.