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You will shortly be able to download a special community consultation document here.  Cost is £5 or you can buy me a coffee. Meanwhile, you can find me on Facebook.  Who pays the ferry man? The Route to NetZero


Community cafes


Morags - no North Highland Way in Wick, but you can get your passport stamped at the Coop

Pultney peoples Partnership - CVG transport, and bikes.

Thurso Community Cafe - from Thurso along to Scrabster and to the east on the North Highland Way.  You can also get your passport stamped at the Coop

Peerie Cafe - links to the Scrabster harbour and along the route to Scrabster.  You can read all about it in our magazine.


We had a community engagement session from 29 May to 9 June, now we are working on a special ground monitoring tool for pathways.  The Council are aware of it, and hopefully we will present to them shortly.  Meanwhile, you can read about it here.


Orca Watch at Dunnet Head, Duncansby, St. Johns Loch, Pentland Ferries, Forss,  Scrabster, Wick and John o Groats.  All in the magazine.


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